Rules of Procedure

of the

European Network of Official Authorities in Charge of the Secret Police Files


I.                    Initial Provisions

1.       The Rules of Procedure (from now on referred as Rules) of the European Network of Official Authorities in Charge of the Secret Police Files (from now on referred as Network) specify Network membership conditions, principles of the votings and admission of the new members.

2.       The Rules of Procedure are a binding document for all Network members and can only be changed by voting.


II.                  Membership

1.       Members of the Network are its founding members and those accepted as members of the Network.

2.       There is only one member institution per each country.

3.       Membership in the Network is terminated by notifying other Network members or by the member institution's termination. A mere reorganisation while keeping its original purpose is not a termination.


III.                Observer Member Status

1.       An institution interested in membership of the Network or whose country is already represented by a similar institution in the Network or which is not interested in becoming a full member of the Network may apply for Observer Member Status.

2.       Observer Member status can be obtained by an institution whose mission is following the Network's Foundation Paper.

3.       The institution with Observer Member Status does not have voting rights and does not hold annual network conferences.

4.       The proposal to admit an institution as a Network's Observer Member is submitted by the chairing institution at the Network's annual conference.

5.       The Network members shall decide on the granting of Observer Member Status by voting in accordance with point V of these Rules of Procedure.


IV.                Admission of new members

1.       Any institution whose mission is in accordance with the Foundation Paper of the Network and at the same time possesses the Observer Member Status with the interest and quality of becoming a full member may become a new Network member.

2.       If several institutions are interested in membership of the Network from a single country, they must agree which of them will apply for membership; membership of more than one institution per state is not possible.

3.       An application for admission shall be submitted to the Network's chairperson, who shall inform the other members thereof. The application must be submitted at least a month before the annual conference. The Network's chairperson must send this application to the Network members together with the program of annual meetings.

4.       The chairing institution shall submit the proposal to admit an institution as a new member of the Network the annual conference of the Network.

5.       The Network members shall decide on the admission of an institution with interest in membership by voting following part V of these Rules of Procedure.


V.                  Voting

1.       The admission of new members, admission of Observer members, and issuing important issues is decided by vote.

2.       Each member institution possesses one vote.

3.       The chairing institution submits a proposal for a vote about the admission of a new member or new Observer member to the annual conference.

4.       Any Network member may propose a vote on important issues.

5.       Voting is public and takes place at the annual meetings. If necessary, it is possible to vote at any time per rollam.

6.       An absolute majority of all Network members are required to admission a new member or Observer member.

7.       An absolute majority of the present Network members is required for the adoption of other proposals.


VI.                Final Provisions

1.       These Rules of Procedure are valid and effective from 29.07.2022.